Recruitment Information Spring 2024
Info Sessions
Thursday (1/18) - 6:00pm @ Marston L136
Friday (1/19) - 6:00pm on Zoom
Week 1
Monday (1/22) - Speed Friending 6:30pm @ Matherly 0018
Tuesday (1/23) - Crack the Code 6:30pm @ Matherly 0016
Wednesday (1/24) - Find the Mole 6:30pm @ Matherly 0018
Thursday (1/25) - FBI Most Wanted 6:30pm @ Matherly 0018
Friday (1/26) - Capture the Briefcase 6:30pm @ Flavet Field
Week 2
Monday (1/29) - Top Secret Trivia 6:30pm @ Matherly 0018
Tuesday (1/30) - Black Ops Bonding 6:30pm @ Matherly 0016
Wednesday (1/31) - Interviews 6:00pm @ CSE222
Hi I’m Tanya. I am one of your recruitment chairs and junior initiate advisors, and I am looking forward to getting to know you all. I joined Phi Sigma Pi in spring 2023 and I am so excited to be able to help recruit a new initiate class and make new friends.
Hey! I'm Nick and I am so excited to be a recruitment chair this semester. I have become good friends with so many of the brothers in the Phi Sigma Pi and I hope I can be a part of helping a new initiate class find their place on campus.
The Three Pillars of Phi Sigma Pi:
Scholarship. Leadership. Fellowship.

Brother Requirements
3.0 GPA after at least one semester completed at the University of Florida
Demonstrate through word and deed the qualities of scholarship, leadership, and fellowship
Complete the initiation program of our chapter
Meet any financial requirements
Have at least 2 semesters (not counting the current semester) remaining as an undergraduate student
More Than Just a Family
Phi Sigma Pi is more than just a diverse community on a large campus; it's an opportunity to gain leadership experience at the University of Florida.
With so many different majors, minors, interests, and life goals, joining Phi Sigma Pi might just help you find your niche.
Come out to recruitment to learn more about all of the leadership opportunities you will encounter as a brother of Phi Sigma Pi!

Non-Rush Activities
The Gamma Epsilon Chapter of Phi Sigma Pi takes pride in operating above and beyond the standards of a clean recruitment, providing fun activities all school year for those who are interested in finding a community of friends who are striving for academic excellence and integrity.
Outside of recruitment, brothers host events surrounding the three pillars of the tripod.